Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Camp Mustache 2016

V                I hope everybody had a nice Memorial Day. This holiday weekend, my husband and I went to Washington State for a seminar. The resort we stayed at was Rainbow Lodge Retreat Center, located in North Bend Washington. This retreat can handle 60 people comfortably.  This retreat focused on saving money and how to retire early. This was our second year that we have attended this seminar and we had a lot of returning people and many new ones. We made many new friends that we will continue to communicate with.

                This whole retreat is focused off of Mr. Money Mustache. I recommend everybody to check out his web site He explains how he and his wife retired early while in their early 30’s. As you know, I like to find ways to save money and Mr. Money Mustache tells you how he and his wife did this and retired early. I give you the little ideas and he gives you the bigger ideas.

                My husband gives tax savings ideas at this seminar each year. Some other classes that are given are travel hacks. This class gives your travel ideas on how to save on hotels and airline flights, using different credit cards. The whole seminar is based on saving, saving and more saving. If you need more information on the retreat here is the web site. The big highlight of this seminar is the 8-mile hike up Mt. Si. Not everybody makes it to the top but most try.

                Mr. Money Mustache talks with everybody at the seminar. At the end of the seminar, they have a Q and A session where everybody gets the chance to ask any questions they may have. The age of people that come to this seminar is between 23 to over 60 years old. We all share our stories and where we are in our journey to early retirement. The goal is to have enough money to retire early and enjoy life. Mr. Money Mustache and the people at this seminar help you achieve these goals.
                I hope you enjoyed your Memorial Day, I know we did from Suzie Homemaker.                

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