Monday, July 25, 2016

Buying a Carpet Cleaner,is it worth it?

Carpet cleaners, should I rent or should I own one? This is a personal choice and all depends on how much you want to spend either renting or owning a carpet cleaner. Plus how many times a year, do you clean your carpets in your house? So in this blog post, I will give you three options and how I feel about carpet cleaners. I think you know where I am going with this, I own a carpet cleaner, and I will tell you why.

Renting a Carpet Cleaner

Renting a carpet cleaner from a store is very pricey. You rent it by the day and if you need it more than one day the machine can really become expensive. Plus you have to buy their chemicals which are really expensive. I use to rent a carpet cleaner and then I would share it with my other family members so we could split the cost or the machine and chemicals. This at least cuts down the cost, but it was still very expensive even splitting the cost. When you bring the machine back in, it has to be spotless and dry or they charge you extra. These carpet cleaners do a good job but they are very heavy. By the time you rent the carpet cleaner and buy the chemicals you can have over $75.00 dollars into it.

Carpet Cleaning Services

Here’s another option. You could hire a cleaning service to clean your carpets. But again this can get very pricey. They charge, by the room and depending on how many rooms of carpeting you have this can really add up. I have 9 rooms of carpeting and even if they charge let’s say $20.00 dollars a room this would cost me $180.00 dollars. This is way too much money for me. Yes, they do a great job of cleaning the carpets but I can do it myself for a lot less.

Buying your own Carpet Cleaner

This is what I did over 10 years ago. I decided to buy my own carpet cleaner. I went to several different stores and compared brands and prices. I ended up buying a Hoover Carpet Cleaner from Walmart. Yes, the upfront price is a little more but to this day I still use the same carpet cleaner.  This has saved me hundreds of dollars over the years. I can use my carpet cleaner whenever I want and don’t have to worry about turning it back in on time. My Hoover Carpet Cleaner is very easy to fill and empty out, plus it has a hose for furniture and hard to reach places like corners and steps. I go to my local Fleet Farm Store and buy my carpet cleaning chemicals there for less than half the price of the rental store.

Saving money and time is the ultimate goal here so I decided buying my own carpet cleaner made sense to me. I’m giving you my opinion here but the choice is always up to you. I find if I can do the job myself I can save money. I like finding ways to cut costs in everything I do and buy from Suzie Homemaker.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


                How many times have you been to a Library? I go to a Library at least 2 times a week. Libraries are a nice place to relax and enjoy a quiet place to read or to check out what is new. There are so many things to do and see at a Library. Today I am going to tell you why I use the Library so much.
                The number one reason to use the Library is to check out books. Have you seen the price of paperbacks in the store lately? Some paper backs can be priced at over $10.00 dollars and hard cover books over $25.00 dollars. Going to the Library saves me hundreds of dollars each year. The Library has thousands of books to pick from in many different areas. Since my whole family loves to read a lot of different kinds of books, we all can find what we want and like to read. Most Libraries will let you keep the books for a month or until you are done reading them. If you want a specific book and they do not have it, they will interlibrary loan a book from another library at no cost.
                The second reason we like to use the Library for is Movies. The Library has the latest movies and T.V. shows available to be checked out at any time.  Most Libraries will let you have these for 1 week.  Have you been to a movie theater lately, a matinee cost almost $10.00 dollars now and a regular movie almost $15.00 dollars. Buying movies from the store can cost you over $25.00 dollars. If you can wait, in a few moths they will be out in video. Then the Library will have them for free to check out.
                The third reason I like the Library is for the children’s section of the library. The have their own books to pick from and computers to use. Our library even has a nice Teen section of books and seating area just for them. Most Libraries also have kids programs going year round for free.
The fourth reason to use the Library is for the newspapers and magazines. Magazine subscriptions are expensive and so is the paper being delivered to your do each day. Why not sit down and read these for free at your local Library. The Library has many different papers to pick from and many different magazines to pick from, free.
                The Library has computers to use at any time for free. If you do not have internet access at home, here is your opportunity to use the internet for free.  The Library can help you find just about anything you are looking for. Our Library even gives out free tax forms each year.
                The last reason I like Libraries is there comfortable reading areas. If you just want to come in from a hot or cold day to read this is the place to do it. Sit back and enjoy a good book. They also have great table areas for doing work. Just spread out your work at a table and enjoy a quiet area to work.

                Libraries are a fun place to do and see things for free. So check out your local Library soon from Suzie Homemaker. 

Monday, July 11, 2016

Cake in a Mug

Dump Mug Dessert

How many times have you had a dessert that not everybody liked? Here is an easy way to make an individual dessert. While I was at the gym last week a friend gave me a recipe to try, and now I want to share it with you. This recipe is so easy to make and you cook it in a microwave oven. I will show you the original recipe and different options to try. The reason I call this dump mug dessert is because you put everything in a coffee mug and you just microwave it.

Banana Streusel

3 Tablespoons Flour                                              ¼ teaspoon Baking Powder
Dash of Salt                                                             2 ½ teaspoons Sugar
1 Tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons water               1 Tablespoon mashed Banana
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract

Streusel Topping

¼ teaspoon Cinnamon                                         2 teaspoons Brown Sugar
2 teaspoons mashed Banana                             2 Pecans or Walnuts crumbled (Optional)

                Mix all dry ingredients in a small bowl.
Add wet ingredients until just mixed.
Combine all streusel ingredients in another small bowl.
Fill a coffee mug half full of batter.
Sprinkle 2/3 of streusel mix on top of batter.
Pour remaining batter on top and then remaining streusel topping. Add your pecans or walnuts if desired. Place in microwave oven on high for 1 to 1 and a half minutes.
Take out and place a tooth pick inside to test if batter, is cooked. The cup will be hot. Enjoy!

                Here is another version if you do not want to use bananas

3Tablespoons Flour                                                 ¼ teaspoon Baking Powder
Dash of Salt                                                               2 ½ teaspoons Sugar
1 Tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons water                 1 Tablespoon of mashed Raspberries or Blueberries

Streusel Topping

¼ teaspoon Vanilla extract                                     2 teaspoons Sugar
2 teaspoons mashed Raspberries or Blueberries        Nuts (optional)

                Now everybody can have what they like for dessert. This was so quick and easy to make and everybody loved it. No more complaining or wasting food. You can make this anytime you like with just a few ingredients. Your children or grandchildren can make their own dessert and watch it cook in the microwave oven right in front of them. Enjoy this quick and easy dessert from Suzie Homemaker.


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Making Art Projects from Rocks

Painted Rock projects for any age!

                The hunt is on for all different types and sizes of rocks. When I was growing up, art projects had to be cheap and easy to do. Money was tight when I was growing up. So this project is something you can do with any age child or grandchild for very little money. Most of the things you will need you can find around your house.  Every kid likes rocks, so why not paint them with some pretty colors. Today I will show you several different things you can do with different sizes of rocks.

                First, you need to go hunting for rocks with your kids or grandkids. Take a trip out your back door or to your local parks or beaches. Pick out many different sizes and shapes of rocks. Wash them up very good and let them dry. Next, decide what color you want to be your base coat. I am choosing white because I have a lot of extra white paint left over.

                Here are some of the supplies you will need:  Acrylic paint works the best for bigger rocks. If you want to put more detail or design on your rocks try using a fine point marker. You will need small to medium brushes, water to clean your brushes, several different colors of paint. If you want your rocks to last for a while put a coat of varnish on them. You can put as much or as little detail into them as you like.

                Here’s one everyone will like, write your name on the rocks either with markers or paint. Use these rocks for place settings, door stops for their bedrooms or just for a cool decoration on their dresser.

                Outside games: How many of you played Hopscotch when you were young? Paint and decorate your own personalized rock for your marker. Have you ever played the game Tic-Tac-Toe, go outside and draw a Tic-Tac-Toe game with chalk on your driveway or sidewalk? Paint some rocks with X’s and O’s on them and have fun.

                This painted rock project my brother liked when he was little. He made all kind of roads on the driveway with chalk. We would paint the rocks with all different colors of cars and trucks and pretend driving them on the roads.

                Since I had two older sisters we liked to paint flowers and butterflies. Another thing we liked to paint was people. We would make several different heads, several different tops, and several different bottoms. We would then interchange them to make different people.

                There are some many things you can do with rocks, just use your imaginations. This is an inexpensive thing to do at home with your kids or grandkids. Just have fun from Suzie Homemaker.