Saturday, June 27, 2015

Helpful weed control tips

Since most people have their gardens in already, it’s time to talk about those darn weeds. Weeds are a job that never ends.  Yes, fresh vegetables are nice, but weeds are a pain.  I thought I would give some tips on how to help limit the infestation of weeds so you can enjoy the rewards of gardening.  No garden is weed free and here a three ways that can help you when you’re gardening.

                           Use grass clippings as weed control

You can use grass clippings anywhere you have gardens.  For me, it is really nice because while my husband is mowing lawn he blows most of the grass clippings on one of my onion gardens for me. I take the rest of the clippings and I sprinkle a thin layer around all the rows that don’t get covered. Every time he mows the lawn I sprinkle another thin layer of grass clippings down and this helps keep the weeds down.  If you want to save lawn clippings for other projects, just put in a garbage can.

                          Use cardboard for weed control

 Cardboard is another good way to control weeds. Placing cardboard in-between the rows with wood chips on top really works very well. This method is also good around trees and bushes. Cardboard is biodegradable so over the next year the cardboard will break down. Next year, all you have to do is till the cardboard back into your soil.

                                          Use wood chips for weed control

If you don’t want to use cardboard, trying using just wood chips. Sprinkling these around the plants and in-between the rows helps keep the weeds down. Plus wood chips help keep moisture in by letting the water seep through. In some areas you can even get wood chips for free. Wood chips also look nice around trees and bushes.

In my short video, I will show how I use all three ways in my gardens as weed control.

Happy Gardening from Suzie Homemaker!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Suzie Homemaker
Hi, I’m Suzie Homemaker, welcome to my blog on tips to help you simplify your life and to save money in the process. I will be writing on how to do things on, canning ideas and recipes that work for me and you and how to make homemade laundry soap shampoo, conditioners and more.
                At the age of 51 I decided to start a blog.  My family has decided to downsize and cut costs, so I’ve found ways to make this possible and have fun in the process.

                As a young girl I was taught how to do canning of different fruits and vegetables and more. I love to cook, sew and garden. People say I’m a bargain hunter and this is very true. Here are some things I would like to teach you on how to save money in a fun way without sacrificing luxury.