Today I decided to give you some more outside games to make out of things you probably have right at home. Your children and grandchildren need to be outside enjoying the weather anyway, so let’s give them some fun things to do. These games are meant to be played outside. Kids get bored easy so these games will keep them busy for hours.
1. The first game I would like to show you is a balancing beam. Take an old two by four and put it on the ground and let them walk across it. If they are a little braver put some bricks underneath them and raise it up to give them a little challenge to see if they can still balance. They can start out slow then gradually speed it up to see how many times they can make it across without falling off. As you can see we have a mama kitty who wants to practice balancing too.
2. The second game is bowling. Take two, two by fours and place them about 3 feet apart on the ground. Place some old soup cans at the end and use a plastic ball as your bowling ball and start knocking down your cans. Any kind of ball will work like a basketball or soccer ball.
3. The third game is using old logs. If you have someone with a fireplace ask if you could have a few logs that are level. Place these logs in a line or circle and start walking on them to practice your balancing act. Another fun thing is to just sit on them in a circle and just talk.
4. The fourth game is rope or yarn jumping. Take some rope or yarn and tie them to a tree, chairs or even your logs. Have the children crawl under them or jump over them. Place them at different heights and lengths to challenge them. Make limbo line for them to duck under.
5. The fifth game is using old cookie sheets, plates or pans. Place these pans out in a row or a circle and have your children weave in between them. See how fast they can go weave in between them without stepping on them.
6. Old tires are great for running in between them. Or for just sitting on and enjoying the day outside.
7. Now that you have these games to make and play outside why not make an opstical course out of some or all of these games. Mix and match to make many different kinds of games to play outside.
The objective is to get your children and grandchildren outside having fun. Most of these things you probably have at home or could borrow from a friend or neighbor. Having fun does not have to cost a lot of money if you just look in your garage or basement. Making these games take very little time but can give the children hours of fun. I hope you enjoy some of the games I played when I was growing up from Suzie Homemaker.